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Liability insurance

Compare the best Dutch liability insurances in 2025.

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The liability insurance is one of the most important insurances. The liability insurance, also called WA insurance, sometimes public liability insurance or personal liability insurance is the insurance that protect the individual from (financial) damage. Which are caused by accidents. It’s mostly to be protected from the liability to be insured for financial damage that you have caused by accident.

(The Dutch name for this insurance is called the Aansprakelijkheidsverzekering)

What is a personal liability insurance?

If you, by accident, cause injury or damage to an other person, you would be liable for financial damage in many causes. The ‘liability insurance in The Netherlands’ protects you from the financial loss. It will cause the insurer to pay for the cost of the victim. Your liability insurer will pay for the financial damage that you (accidently) have caused. Hopefully you get to understand what is a liability insurance with this.

liability insurance netherlands

Liability insurance comparison

There are many different insurers that offer this insurance. On you can select the criteria you find the most important and you will get a list of insurers in the Netherlands. From the cheapest price to the highest price. With showing the amount that is covered by each insurer.

The benefits of a liability insurance

A liability insurance is almost a must, it is not obligated. Which is important to know. An WA insurance is obligated if you want to drive a car. The biggest benefits of the liability insurance are:

  • Insured against financial loss/damage
  • Your kids/family members are protected with it in many causes
  • It can save you from paying a huge financial loss in one time
  • Sometimes pets are included to (depends on the insurer)

What is really covered by this type of insurance?

There are several things being covered:

  • (Legal) procedures that caused by the accident. Think about court cases/lawsuits.
  • The medical cost of the injury that you have caused.
  • Material damage that you have caused. Could be personal belongings as example.

The difference between a liability insurance and the WA insurance

There is a big difference between those two insurances, even although they look similiar. The liability insurance is not obligated, the car WA insurance is. This is insurance which every resident of the Netherlands has to have if he would likes to drive a car. This insurance protects you from financial loss if you cause damage to an other vehicle/person. The WA insurance is specifically for if you drive a car, the normal public liability insurance is in general for all damage that you could cause. This is why it’s important to look for the right insurance for your case.

The Dutch name for this insurance is called the Aansprakelijkheidsverzekering, also called the AVP verzekering.